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Showing posts from December, 2009

risk in business environment

Risk in business environment Risk is state that the possible outcomes or future events is larger but the actual outcomes is very low is called risk. The probability of damage or loss is known as risk. The risk can be divided in different parts. These are given below: - Country risk It is state that the performance of economy or the behaviour of government and institution which helps to determine the business environment. A collection of risk associated with investing in foreign

business environment key indicator

Business environment key indicator These indicators are most valuable variable to reflect the business environment. These indicators help to understand the dynamic of business environment. These makor indicators are as follows: - 1. Gross domestic product 2. Sectoral distribution 3. Agriculture production 4. Electricity 5. Economic infrastructure 6. Money supply 7. Rate of inflation 8. Foreign trade 9. Foreign exchange reserve 10. Exchange rate Gross domestic product GDP helps to measure the economic output of a country. Generally GDP defined as market value of goods and services are produced by a nation. One way to calculate the GDP adding all expenditure of nation. GDP= consumption +investment +government purchase +net export Consumption means include all durable and non-durable goods and services produced by a country. Investment includes all investment in fixed assets and increase in inventory. Government purchase includes all welfare funds etc. Net exp...

competition policy

Content Introduction The Concept And Logic Of Competition Competition Versus Contestability Ragulation Of Competition Tests Of A Goods Competition Policy Policy Effectiveness And The Concept Pf Regulatory Capture Factor Contributing To Competitive Environment In India Public Sector Disinvestment And Privatisation Opening Up Of New Sector To Private Enterprise Delicensing De-Reservation Of Ssi Items Conclusion INTRODUCTION An important hallmark of the process of economic reforms initiated in the country in 1991 is that it has made the economy more competitive as compared to the pre-reform period. Though the degree of competitiveness in the business environment in India is much less and compared to a number of industrial market economies in Europe and North America and a number of emergent market-economies in east-Asia and elsewhere, there have been clear sign to movement. THE CONCEPT AND LOGIC OF COMPETITION There is enormous literature on the rationale and benef...

fund flow statement

fund flow statement CONTENTS  INTRODUCTION MEANING DEFINITION OBJECTIVE SIGNIFICANCE  LIMITATIONS CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION The basic financial statement i.e., the balance sheet and profit & loss account or income statement of business, reveal the net effect of the various transaction on the operational and financial position of the company. These statements do not show as to how have the funds been earned and used during the accounting period. Another statement has to be prepared to show the change in the assets and liabilities from the end of one period of the time to the end of another period of time. MEANING Funds flow statement is a modern technique of analyzing financial statement. Fund flow statement shows as to where have the funds come from and where have they been used during the accounting period. It helps in analyzing the movement of funds of a firm between the two balance sheet date. Fund flow statement is prepared by enlisting the source and ...

demand estimation

demand estimation CONTENTS: Serial No Topic Page no 1. Introduction of demand estimation 3 2. Meaning of demand estimation 3 3. Definition of demand estimation 3 4. Scope of demand estimation 4 5. Determinant of demand estimation 7 6. Method of demand estimation 8 7. Criteria of demand estimation 10 Introduction Demand estimation or forecasting occupies a crucial place in a business activity. This view may be optimistic or pessimistic based on hunches. Estimation can be both physical as well as financial in nature and is used mostly for planning. Meaning Demand estimation/forecasting are predicting future demand for the product. In other words, it refers to the prediction of probable demand for a product or a service based on the past events. Definition According to evan j. donglas, “demand estimation may be defined as the process of finding values for demand in future time periods.” Scope 1. Period of forecasting As a first step, one has to decide...

exim policy 2009

Interim Exim Policy 2009 - 10 Highlights TRADE FACILITATION MEASURES (SUPPLEMENT TO FOREIGN TRADE POLICY 2004-09) ANNOUNCED ON 26TH FEBRUARY, 2009 MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA TRADE FACILITATION MEASURES. FTP BENEFITS WITHOUT BRC 1. Duty credit scrip’s under Chapter 3 and under DEPB scheme shall now be issued without waiting for realization of export proceeds. The exporters shall be required to submit proof of export proceeds realization within the time limits prescribed by Reserve Bank of India. The issuance of these benefits without BRC would be subject to a Bank Guarantee/LUT in terms of Circular to be issued. This provision shall be applicable for applications made on or after 1.4.2009. ADDITIONAL BENEFITS UNDER PROMOTIONAL SCHEMES 2. Rupees 325 Crores would be provided under Promotional Schemes for Leather, Textile etc. for exports made with effect from 1.4.09. 3. Benefit of 5% under FPS has been ...

computer questions

Important question of computer M B A ist year Explain the elements of computer system. Explain the block diagram of computer system. Business application of computer Explain the computer language Convex the number system What is dos? Directory structure and command system in dos? Introduction to spreadsheet system Application of spreadsheet Explain range and formula in ms-excel Function of spreadsheet What is file? Type of file, file organization Master and transaction file What is networking? Type of networking and network topology Analog and digital signal? Difference between analog and digital signal What is band width What is data base management system?