Content Introduction The Concept And Logic Of Competition Competition Versus Contestability Ragulation Of Competition Tests Of A Goods Competition Policy Policy Effectiveness And The Concept Pf Regulatory Capture Factor Contributing To Competitive Environment In India Public Sector Disinvestment And Privatisation Opening Up Of New Sector To Private Enterprise Delicensing De-Reservation Of Ssi Items Conclusion INTRODUCTION An important hallmark of the process of economic reforms initiated in the country in 1991 is that it has made the economy more competitive as compared to the pre-reform period. Though the degree of competitiveness in the business environment in India is much less and compared to a number of industrial market economies in Europe and North America and a number of emergent market-economies in east-Asia and elsewhere, there have been clear sign to movement. THE CONCEPT AND LOGIC OF COMPETITION There is enormous literature on the rationale and benef...