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Showing posts from May 3, 2010

Date-Sheet for the M.B.A. II Semester 2010 kuk

KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITY KURUKSHETRA Date-Sheet for the M.B.A. II & IV Semester (For Department of Management & Affiliated Institutions) Examination commencing from 29.5.2010. (THEORY EXAMINATION) Time of Examination: 9.00 A. M. to 12.00 Noon (MORNING SESSION) ___________________________________________________________________________ Date and Day Subject and Paper _________________________________________________________________________ MAY,2010 II SEMESTER 31st, Monday CP-201: Management Science _________________________________________________________________________ JUNE,2010 2nd, Wednesday CP-202: Marketing Management _________________________________________________________________________ 4th, Friday CP-203: Human Resource Management _________________________________________________________________________ 7th, Monday CP-204: Financial Management _________________________________________________________________________ 9th, Wednesday CP-205: Business Res...

Most important questions of operation research related to MBA IInd semester

Most important questions of operation research related to MBA IInd semester 1. Explain how operation research methods have been valuable in aiding executive decisions. 2. What are the advantages or disadvantages of simulation over the use of analytical models? Give various application of simulation in the field of business management? if you like my post then pls click on advertisment and add as you in my follower list . Its beneficial for you and me both.

Research design

Research design Meaning of research design A research design is the arrangement of the conditions for collections and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. Research design is the conceptual structure with in which research is conducted; It constitutes the blue print for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. As such the design includes an outline of what the researcher will do from writing the hypothesis is and its operational implications to the final analysis of data. The designing decisions happen to be in respect of; o What is the study about? o Why is the studying being made? o Where will the study be carried out? o What type of data is required? o Where can the required data be found? o What periods of time will the study include? o What will be the sample design? o What techniques of data collection will be used? o How will the data be analysed? o In what style will the report be ...


Attitude Meaning An enduring disposition to consistently respond in a given manner to various aspects of the world; o Composed of affective o Cognitive o Behavioural Cognitive The component of attitude that represents one’s awareness and knowledge about an object. Affective The component of attitude that reflect one’s general feelings or emotions toward an object. Behavioural component The component of attitude that includes buying intentions and behavioural expectations; reflects a predisposition to action. Measuring scale 1. Nominal scale A scale in which the numbers or letters assigned to objects serve as label for identification or classification. It is a measurement scale of the simplest type. 2. Ordinal scale A scale that arrange objects or alternatives according to their magnitudes. 3. Interval scale A scale that not only arranges objects or alternatives according to their magnitudes but also distinguish this ordered arrangement in unit of equal intervals. ...


Survey Meaning A research technique in which information is gather from a sample of people by use of a questionnaire or interview, a method of data collection based on communication with a representative sample of individuals. Objectives of survey To identify characteristics of a particular group. To measure attitude. To describe behavioural pattern. To quantify certain factual information. To provide casual explanation or to explore data. Advantages of survey. Survey provides quick accessing information about the population. Survey provide inexpensive, accurate and efficient means of information. if you like my post then pls click on advertisment and add as you in my follower list . Its beneficial for you and me both.

exploratory research

Exploratory research Introduction Exploratory research provides qualitative data usually, Exploratory research provides greater understanding of a concept or crystallizes a problem rather than providing precise measurement. The focus of such qualitative research is not on numbers but on words on observations: - stories, visual portrayals, meaningful characterizations, interpretations and other expressive descriptions. Exploratory research may be single research investigation or a series of informal studies intend to provide background information. Meaning An initial research conducted to clarify and define the nature of a problem. Why conduct exploratory research There are three interrelated purposes of exploratory research. 1. Diagnosing a situation 2. Screening alternatives 3. Discovering new ideas. if you like my post then pls click on advertisment and add as you in my follower list . Its beneficial for you and me both.

problem definition

Introduction The adage “if you do not know where you are going, any road will take you there” suggests some good advice to managers and researchers. It is extremely important to define the business problem carefully because the definition determines the purpose of the research and ultimately, the research design. Problem definition It indicates a specific managerial decision area to be clarified or problem to be solved. It specifies research questions to be answered and the objectives of the research. Defining a research problem involves several interrelated steps. As shown: - The process of problem definition if you like my post then pls click on advertisment and add as you in my follower list . Its beneficial for you and me both.

business research

Meaning of research Research is common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. One can also define research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. In fact, research is an art of scientific investigation. The advance learner’s dictionary of current English lays down the meaning of research as “a careful investigation or inquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge”. Redman and mory define the research as a “systematized effort to gain new knowledge”. Some people consider research as a movement, a movement from the known to the unknown. Research is an academic activity and as such the term should be used in technical sense. According to cifford woody research comprises defining and redefining the problem, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions, collecting, organizing, evaluating the data, making deductions and reaching conclusions and at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine wheth...


EIGHT STEPS TO PLAN SUCCESSFUL E-COMMERCE Let the Customer Plan e-Commerce Good plans are simple plans. They are also measurable, their implementation is accountable, he resources to deliver the plan are available and there is a time-frame for the plan to be delivered. Done. Not quite. Whatever planning process an organisation uses, expect that the company will not control the direction in which online services evolve. The customer will decide what works and what doesn’t. Respond Fast If the plan is to respond to customer wishes, then the most successful plan will be the one that responds fastest.This means that every component of the plan should be built with the intention of proving a principle. Ask yourself if your customers want this? If they do, then a more robust version can be built. If they don’t, then you can redirect your time and resources and use the knowledge gained to good effect elsewhere. if you like my post then pls click on advertisment and add as you in ...


CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS FOR INTERNET MARKETING EXECUTIVES Marketers have always been in the business of anticipating and managing change, and technology has been their principle tool for managing it. The Internet presents an adaptive challenge for the marketing executive. Today’s Internet marketing exec-utive must have all the traditional skills of the offline marketing professional, but must place extra emphasis on some of them to account for the new economy. These critical new skills include customer advocacy and insight, integration, balanced thinking, and a willingness to accept risk and ambiguity. if you like my post then pls click on advertisment and add as you in my follower list . Its beneficial for you and me both.


E-BUSINESS ISSUES & INTERNET MARKETING Introduction At its core, the mission of marketing is to attract and retain customers. To accomplish this goal, a traditional bricks-and mortar marketer uses a variety of marketing variables-including pricing, advertising, and channel choice-to satisfy cur-rent and new customers. In this context, the standard marketing-mix toolkit includes such mass-marketing levers as television advertising, direct mail, and public relations, as well as customer-specific marketing techniques such as the use of sales reps. With the emergence of the Internet and its associated technology-enabled, screen-ta-face interfaces (e.g., mobile phones, interactive television), a new era of marketing has emerged. Well-respected academics and practitioners have called for new rules and urged debate about fundamental tenets of marketing, including segmentation, mass marketing, and regionalized programs.) At the ‘other extreme, pundits and academics alike have argued...