Exploratory research
Exploratory research provides qualitative data usually, Exploratory research provides greater understanding of a concept or crystallizes a problem rather than providing precise measurement. The focus of such qualitative research is not on numbers but on words on observations: - stories, visual portrayals, meaningful characterizations, interpretations and other expressive descriptions.
Exploratory research may be single research investigation or a series of informal studies intend to provide background information.
An initial research conducted to clarify and define the nature of a problem.
Why conduct exploratory research
There are three interrelated purposes of exploratory research.
1. Diagnosing a situation
2. Screening alternatives
3. Discovering new ideas.
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Diagnosing a situation
Exploratory research diagnoses the dimensions of problems so that successive research project will be on target. It helps set priorities for research. In some cases exploratory research provides an orientation for management by gathering information on a topic with which management has little experience. Personnel research managers often conduct Exploratory research as a diagnostic tool to point out issues of employee concern or to generate possible explanations for motivational patterns.
Screening alternatives
Exploratory research may be used to determine the best alternatives because of this we need concept testing. Concept testing means is to test something that act as a proxy for a new or revised program, product or service. Typically test subjects are presented with some sort of stimulus or a description of an idea and asked if they would use it, if they like it, and so on. Concept testing means evaluating ideas by providing a “feel”. For the merits of an idea prior to the commitment of research and development, manufacturing or other company resources.
Discovering new ideas
Exploratory research is often used to generate new ideas. Perhaps factory workers have suggestions for increasing production or improving safety. Consumers may suggest new product ideas, or unthought-of problems might be identified. The Exploratory research might generate ideas that would never have occurred to the firms design staff.
Type exploratory research
Experience surveys
Secondary data analysis
Case studies
Pilot studies
Experience surveys
In attempting to understand the problems at hand, managers may discuss issues and ideas with top executives and knowledgeable managers who have had personal experience in the field. This constitutes an informal experience surveys.
Secondary data analysis
Preliminary review of data collected for another purpose to clarify issues in the early stages of a research effort.
Case studies
An exploratory research technique that intensively investigates one or a few situations similar to the researcher’s problem situation.
Pilot study
Any small scale exploratory research project that uses sampling but does not apply in regressed standard. A pilot study generates primary data, usually for qualitative analysis. This characteristic distinguish pilot studies from secondary data analysis, which gather background information. The primary data usually are collected from employees, consumers, voters etc.
The major categories of pilot studies include: -
Focus group interviews
Projective techniques
Depth interviews
Focus group interviews
An unstructured, free-flowing interview with a small group of people. The primary advantages of focus group interviews are that they are relatively brief, easy to execute, quickly analyzed and inexpensive.
Projective technique
An indirect means of questioning that enables a respondent to “project” beliefs and feelings onto a third party, an inanimate object, or a task situation.
Respondents are not required to provide answers in a structured format. They are encourage to describe a situation in their own words, with little prompting by the interviewer. Individuals are expected to interpret the situation with in the context of their own experiences, attitudes, and personality and to express opinions and emotions that may be hidden from other and possible themselves. The most common projective technique in business research are words association, sentence completion, the third person technique and the thematic apperception test.
Depth interview
A relatively unstructured, extensive interview used in the primary stages of the research process.
Thematic apperception test (TAT)
A test consisting of a series of pictures shown to research subjects who are then asked to provide a description of the pictures. The researcher analyses the content of these descriptions in an effort to clarify research problem.
Words association test
In which the subject is presented with a list of words, one at a time, and asked to respond with the first word that comes to mind.
Exploratory research provides qualitative data usually, Exploratory research provides greater understanding of a concept or crystallizes a problem rather than providing precise measurement. The focus of such qualitative research is not on numbers but on words on observations: - stories, visual portrayals, meaningful characterizations, interpretations and other expressive descriptions.
Exploratory research may be single research investigation or a series of informal studies intend to provide background information.
An initial research conducted to clarify and define the nature of a problem.
Why conduct exploratory research
There are three interrelated purposes of exploratory research.
1. Diagnosing a situation
2. Screening alternatives
3. Discovering new ideas.
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Diagnosing a situation
Exploratory research diagnoses the dimensions of problems so that successive research project will be on target. It helps set priorities for research. In some cases exploratory research provides an orientation for management by gathering information on a topic with which management has little experience. Personnel research managers often conduct Exploratory research as a diagnostic tool to point out issues of employee concern or to generate possible explanations for motivational patterns.
Screening alternatives
Exploratory research may be used to determine the best alternatives because of this we need concept testing. Concept testing means is to test something that act as a proxy for a new or revised program, product or service. Typically test subjects are presented with some sort of stimulus or a description of an idea and asked if they would use it, if they like it, and so on. Concept testing means evaluating ideas by providing a “feel”. For the merits of an idea prior to the commitment of research and development, manufacturing or other company resources.
Discovering new ideas
Exploratory research is often used to generate new ideas. Perhaps factory workers have suggestions for increasing production or improving safety. Consumers may suggest new product ideas, or unthought-of problems might be identified. The Exploratory research might generate ideas that would never have occurred to the firms design staff.
Type exploratory research
Experience surveys
Secondary data analysis
Case studies
Pilot studies
Experience surveys
In attempting to understand the problems at hand, managers may discuss issues and ideas with top executives and knowledgeable managers who have had personal experience in the field. This constitutes an informal experience surveys.
Secondary data analysis
Preliminary review of data collected for another purpose to clarify issues in the early stages of a research effort.
Case studies
An exploratory research technique that intensively investigates one or a few situations similar to the researcher’s problem situation.
Pilot study
Any small scale exploratory research project that uses sampling but does not apply in regressed standard. A pilot study generates primary data, usually for qualitative analysis. This characteristic distinguish pilot studies from secondary data analysis, which gather background information. The primary data usually are collected from employees, consumers, voters etc.
The major categories of pilot studies include: -
Focus group interviews
Projective techniques
Depth interviews
Focus group interviews
An unstructured, free-flowing interview with a small group of people. The primary advantages of focus group interviews are that they are relatively brief, easy to execute, quickly analyzed and inexpensive.
Projective technique
An indirect means of questioning that enables a respondent to “project” beliefs and feelings onto a third party, an inanimate object, or a task situation.
Respondents are not required to provide answers in a structured format. They are encourage to describe a situation in their own words, with little prompting by the interviewer. Individuals are expected to interpret the situation with in the context of their own experiences, attitudes, and personality and to express opinions and emotions that may be hidden from other and possible themselves. The most common projective technique in business research are words association, sentence completion, the third person technique and the thematic apperception test.
Depth interview
A relatively unstructured, extensive interview used in the primary stages of the research process.
Thematic apperception test (TAT)
A test consisting of a series of pictures shown to research subjects who are then asked to provide a description of the pictures. The researcher analyses the content of these descriptions in an effort to clarify research problem.
Words association test
In which the subject is presented with a list of words, one at a time, and asked to respond with the first word that comes to mind.
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