Introduction With the intention of attracting advertising dollars, magazines and newspapers have also set up sites on the Web. Many online periodicals include traditional advertisements as well as icons, which display an advertiser’s logo and, when clicked with a mouse, send a user across the Web to the advertiser’s Web site. Among periodicals that have gone from print to online advertising with some degree of advertising success are: Knight Ridder’s. San Jose Mercury News newspaper, which reportedly charges $100 per day for an advertisement, and magazines such as Hot Wired, Playboy, and People, which reportedly charge $30,000-$45,000 per quarter for an advertiser to place an icon in the periodical. Promotions are also common. In many cases, advertisers ask site visitors to provide their names and addresses in exchange for a product discount. if you like my post then pls click on advertisment and add as you in my follower list . Its beneficial for you and me both.