PRESENTATION OF REPORTS • INTRODUCTION- Business managers have to write business reports of one kind or other &they can apply principles of good writing to create a document. • MEANING-That communicates the meaning & be readers friendly. As always knowing whom the report is more critical &what they want to know. • DEFINITION-According to “LESIKAR”&“PETTIT”-‘A business report is an orderly, objective communication of factual information that serves some business purpose. • TYPES OF BUSINESS REPORTS - A report is basic ‘management tool in decision making’. Hence it is important for business important for business executives. Large scale organizations are engaged in multifarious Activities, which are handed by different departments. • IMPORTANT FEATURES - The following are important Features of business reports. 1. ORDERLY-It is carefully planned & presented message. 2. OBJECTIVE-It has to be impartial, based on facts, analyzed. 3. COMMUNICATION-It is one...