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Applets, browsers and software agents

Applets, browsers and software agents

Today, client application such as web browser’s allow user’s to manipulate information spread across the internet as a whole. Web browser’s integrate the function of fetching the remote information figuring out what format it is and displaying it. The browser’s contain detailed hard wired knowledge about the many different data types, protocol, and behaviour necessary to navigate the web.

Applets are external application (think of them as a software agent) that expand the capabilities of a core browser, to invoke specialized application that range from interactive shopping application educational material and games.

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In the case of the web the core file type that most browser’s understand in the hyper text markup language (HTML). HTML allows text documents to embed simple formatting information and reference to other objects. In short the data viewed in existing www browser’s are limited to text, graphic low quality sound and videos.
Specialized applications are being implemented using proprietary protocols. For instance, many vendor’s are providing new web browser’s and server’s with added capabilities such as billing and security. These capabilities most often take the form of new protocols.

If a user give this situation, wants to access data on multiple server’s each having a proprietary new protocol, the user needs multiple browser’s. Needing several browser’s is clumsy and defeats the universal leadership purpose that make the www so useful. Another problem

With this approach is that the user has to decide which browser he or she wants. The decision to go for a particular browser looks the user into an environment, denying him or her the necessary flexibility.

The situation can be avoided by using applet-based browser’s like software agents, applets can transparently migrate across the network.


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