Corporate objective and human resource planning
Corporate objective does not mean that they only satisfy the organizational objectives as we know human resources, and organization will produce the products with the help of human resource. In order to satisfy the needs of the customers with the satisfaction of customer’s fund will be generated by which organizational objectives will be achieved.
So, we can say that for fulfilling their own objectives the company will also consider the main parties who are helpful in achieving the objectives. Thus organization have these objectives which are as follows: -
Human resource
Social objective
o Establishing strategy
o Profit earning
o International strategic
o Organizational development
Human resource
o Working condition
o Fair wages
o Empowerment
o Industrial relation
Social objectives
o Satisfy consumers
o Offer right product
o Increase employment
o Environment management
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Human resource planning
The actual human resource process begun with estimation of the number and the type of people needed during the period. After this only people can be hired to fill the jobs. This all called human resource planning. This is the most crucial step in the overall human resource management process.
1. In simple word’s human resource planning is the process of
Forecasting an organization future demand of human resource.
From it will be supplied.
The right type of people in the right number.
2. after this human resource management department can initiate the process of recruitment and selection. Human resource planning is the sub-system in the total organization planning.
3. Organizational planning include managerial activities that sets the company objectives for the future and determine the appropriate mean’s for achieving those objectives.
4. Human resource planning facilitates the realization of the company objectives by providing the right type and the right number of personal.
5. Human resource planning is also compared to material planning that estimate the type and quality of materials and supplies need to facilitate the manufacturing activities of the organization.
6. Human resource planning variously called manpower planning, personal planning and employment planning.
Definition of human resource planning
1. Human resource planning includes the estimation of how many qualified people are necessary to carry out the assigned activities, how many people will be available, and what if anything must be done to ensure that personnel supply equal personnel demands at the appropriate point in the future.
2. Specifically human resource planning is the process by which an organization ensures that it has the right number and kind of people, at the right place, at the right time, capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks will help the organization achieve its over all objectives.
Human resource planning translates the organizations objectives and plan’s into the number of worker’s need to meet those objectives without a clear cut planning, estimation of an organization human resource need is replace to mere guess work.
Importance of human resource planning
Determine the future personal needs.
Creating highly talented personnel.
Protection of weaker section.
Increase investment in human resource.
Foundation of personnel function.
International strategy.
Objectives of human resource planning
To ensure optimum use of existing human resource.
To forecast future requirements for human resource.
To link human resource planning with organizational planning
To assess the surplus and shortage of human resource.
To determine the level of requirement of training.
To estimate the cost of human resource and housing needs of employee.
To provide a basis for management development programme.
To facilitate productivity bargaining.
To provide control measures to ensure that necessary human resource available as and when required.
To anticipate the impact of technology on jobs and human resources.
Factors affecting human resource planning
Type and strategy of organization.
Organizational growth cycle and planning.
Environmental uncertainties
Time horizons.
Type and quality of forecasting information.
Nature of job being filled.
Off-loading the work.
Type and strategy of organization
This factor effect the organization. Human resource planning will be influenced with the type of organization either it is manufacturing or rendering services. manufacturing concern will require more workers to complete the manufacturing activities. The strategy of organization will also effect acquisition, merger etc. will effect the human resource either need or termination of human resource. Human resource planning also effect by organization decisions like either they are proactive and reactive.
Organizational growth cycle and planning
The stage of an organization growth can have considerable influence on human resource planning. Small organization may not have personnel planning. Planning will be need when the organization enter the growth stage. A mature organization experiences less flexibility and variable, they need Human resource planning as the work force will become old so new young people be hired. At the decline stage Human resource planning takes will different focus like layoffs, retrenchment and retirement.
Environmental uncertainties
Human resource manager rarely have the privilege to operate in certain environment. All the external forces and the internal forces of the organization affect the human resource planning. Human resource manger have to deal with environmental uncertainties carefully and formulate their policy efficiently regarding recruitment, selection, training, retrenchment etc.
Time horizons
It also affect the personnel planning on one hand there are short term’s plane time spanning 6 months to 1 year and on other hand long term plan’s whose time span is 3 to 20 years.
The companies which are depend on short term plan’s- more uncertainty.
The companies depend on long term plan’s – certainty is there.
Type and quality of information
The human resource planning will be effected by type of information. It mean’s that planning about human resource. It is necessary for human resource manager to know about information which effect the planning like organization structure, product mix, budget, marketing etc. with these information human resource planning will be effected in these area’s like job analysis, retrenchment plan’s, turnover data, retrenchment sources, training and development programme etc.
Nature of jobs being filled
Personnel planners must consider the nature of jobs being filled in the organization. Job vacancies arise because of separation, promotion and the expansion strategies.
It is easy to employee shop-floor worker but managers require lot of sourcing for the requirement of managerial personnel.
Off-loading the work
Several organizations off-load part of their work to outside parties either in the firm of sub-contracting. Off-loading is a regular feature both in public as well as private sector. Most organizations have surplus labour and they do not want to the problem by hiring more people. Hence, the need of off-loading will be arises.
Corporate objective does not mean that they only satisfy the organizational objectives as we know human resources, and organization will produce the products with the help of human resource. In order to satisfy the needs of the customers with the satisfaction of customer’s fund will be generated by which organizational objectives will be achieved.
So, we can say that for fulfilling their own objectives the company will also consider the main parties who are helpful in achieving the objectives. Thus organization have these objectives which are as follows: -
Human resource
Social objective
o Establishing strategy
o Profit earning
o International strategic
o Organizational development
Human resource
o Working condition
o Fair wages
o Empowerment
o Industrial relation
Social objectives
o Satisfy consumers
o Offer right product
o Increase employment
o Environment management
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Human resource planning
The actual human resource process begun with estimation of the number and the type of people needed during the period. After this only people can be hired to fill the jobs. This all called human resource planning. This is the most crucial step in the overall human resource management process.
1. In simple word’s human resource planning is the process of
Forecasting an organization future demand of human resource.
From it will be supplied.
The right type of people in the right number.
2. after this human resource management department can initiate the process of recruitment and selection. Human resource planning is the sub-system in the total organization planning.
3. Organizational planning include managerial activities that sets the company objectives for the future and determine the appropriate mean’s for achieving those objectives.
4. Human resource planning facilitates the realization of the company objectives by providing the right type and the right number of personal.
5. Human resource planning is also compared to material planning that estimate the type and quality of materials and supplies need to facilitate the manufacturing activities of the organization.
6. Human resource planning variously called manpower planning, personal planning and employment planning.
Definition of human resource planning
1. Human resource planning includes the estimation of how many qualified people are necessary to carry out the assigned activities, how many people will be available, and what if anything must be done to ensure that personnel supply equal personnel demands at the appropriate point in the future.
2. Specifically human resource planning is the process by which an organization ensures that it has the right number and kind of people, at the right place, at the right time, capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks will help the organization achieve its over all objectives.
Human resource planning translates the organizations objectives and plan’s into the number of worker’s need to meet those objectives without a clear cut planning, estimation of an organization human resource need is replace to mere guess work.
Importance of human resource planning
Determine the future personal needs.
Creating highly talented personnel.
Protection of weaker section.
Increase investment in human resource.
Foundation of personnel function.
International strategy.
Objectives of human resource planning
To ensure optimum use of existing human resource.
To forecast future requirements for human resource.
To link human resource planning with organizational planning
To assess the surplus and shortage of human resource.
To determine the level of requirement of training.
To estimate the cost of human resource and housing needs of employee.
To provide a basis for management development programme.
To facilitate productivity bargaining.
To provide control measures to ensure that necessary human resource available as and when required.
To anticipate the impact of technology on jobs and human resources.
Factors affecting human resource planning
Type and strategy of organization.
Organizational growth cycle and planning.
Environmental uncertainties
Time horizons.
Type and quality of forecasting information.
Nature of job being filled.
Off-loading the work.
Type and strategy of organization
This factor effect the organization. Human resource planning will be influenced with the type of organization either it is manufacturing or rendering services. manufacturing concern will require more workers to complete the manufacturing activities. The strategy of organization will also effect acquisition, merger etc. will effect the human resource either need or termination of human resource. Human resource planning also effect by organization decisions like either they are proactive and reactive.
Organizational growth cycle and planning
The stage of an organization growth can have considerable influence on human resource planning. Small organization may not have personnel planning. Planning will be need when the organization enter the growth stage. A mature organization experiences less flexibility and variable, they need Human resource planning as the work force will become old so new young people be hired. At the decline stage Human resource planning takes will different focus like layoffs, retrenchment and retirement.
Environmental uncertainties
Human resource manager rarely have the privilege to operate in certain environment. All the external forces and the internal forces of the organization affect the human resource planning. Human resource manger have to deal with environmental uncertainties carefully and formulate their policy efficiently regarding recruitment, selection, training, retrenchment etc.
Time horizons
It also affect the personnel planning on one hand there are short term’s plane time spanning 6 months to 1 year and on other hand long term plan’s whose time span is 3 to 20 years.
The companies which are depend on short term plan’s- more uncertainty.
The companies depend on long term plan’s – certainty is there.
Type and quality of information
The human resource planning will be effected by type of information. It mean’s that planning about human resource. It is necessary for human resource manager to know about information which effect the planning like organization structure, product mix, budget, marketing etc. with these information human resource planning will be effected in these area’s like job analysis, retrenchment plan’s, turnover data, retrenchment sources, training and development programme etc.
Nature of jobs being filled
Personnel planners must consider the nature of jobs being filled in the organization. Job vacancies arise because of separation, promotion and the expansion strategies.
It is easy to employee shop-floor worker but managers require lot of sourcing for the requirement of managerial personnel.
Off-loading the work
Several organizations off-load part of their work to outside parties either in the firm of sub-contracting. Off-loading is a regular feature both in public as well as private sector. Most organizations have surplus labour and they do not want to the problem by hiring more people. Hence, the need of off-loading will be arises.
simple and effective information .Good job
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ReplyDeleteWonderful Contents.Thank you for sharing.
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Hlo, On coming Monday i have an Exam Of HRM.... your Information regarding this topic, Leads For an Individual and A human Resource to get a Good Marks in their subjects as well as for the Organisation... 👍
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